
Showing posts from November, 2012

Johnson Ting

  "Creativity is rather broad and very subjective, personally, it is something one cannot acquire in a short amount of time, creativity doesn't appear just right in front of you. It is more of a combination of various elements such as one's artistic sense, visual library  specific knowledge, familiarity with the subject matter etc. Creativity is something that needs to be constantly brew over time and it is an ongoing process until the end of our lives as artists, though it might seem like some people can just think of a creative idea in a few hours time, what makes this happen is not a "lucky talent", it is something that is gained through years of experiences/failures/experimentation/research and so on, all these years of work plant themselves into your subconscious, so when you're in need of a new idea, your brain simply just reach into that pool full of fishes (ideas) and bam! there's your idea. Creativity is one of the many essential things ...

Francis & Laurence Minoza

"Creativity is natural and infinite. Nature creates itself." -  Francis & Laurence Minoza (artists/founders of NiceBleed )


"La créativité, c’est donner une part de rêves, aux choses banales" english version : "Creativity is giving a share of dreams to mundane things" - H. (artist)

Rog Walker

" Creativity is one of the most overlooked and under-appreciated resources we have.  And yet, creativity rests at the core of all existence.  It is essential for progress that we learn to exalt creativity just as high as established tradition." - Rog Walker (photographer)

Brian Curtin

"Creativity is a very broad and mysterious thing. It's probably the biggest motivating factor for my side projects. Regardless how draining these projects are, I constantly have a need to express and create my visions or to find outlets for creativity.  That's nothing unusual, I believe every artist is similar." - Brian Curtin (graphic designer/ filmmaker )

Leah Duncan

" Creativity is born from seeing the world differently  and the need to make something extraordinary out of the ordinary." - Leah Duncan (artist/designer/crafter)

Patricia Zapata

" Creativity is best found by doing, doing, doing  and any happy accidents along the way, are just icing on the cake." -  Patricia Zapata (graphic designer/crafter/author/owner of A Little Hut )

Steve Powers

" Creativity is at first a rare fleeting feeling,   then by chasing that feeling you develop the muscle to make it happen everyday.  Its a muscle that's easily atrophied, so go easy on the brain candy." - Steve Powers (Artist)

Bianca Green

" I like being creative in any kind of way. It started when I was a little kid and made clothing for my dolls. I sometimes had to sew them onto their bodies, because I didn't know how to use zippers or buttons. Then I got into recording tapes and mix CDs and made awesome covers for them. My school books never looked boring, they were always individually decorated. Now, I draw, paint, collage, sew and love to decorate. There are some days where you are not inspired or motivated to do something creative. You can either push some buttons to trigger that or you just try the next day. A creative mind can be so many things. You can even get creative while doing your taxes. To me being creative means finding new ways to do something, trying out things and making things look differently. Everyone has to find out in what form they can be creative. Once you find it, you will enjoy it so much.. using your imagination, your hands, your fingers, your fine motor skills.. it's very f...

Paolo Rivera

"Creativity is about having the will and determination to hit your head against the wall until an idea falls out and honing that idea until it's sharp enough to pierce the skulls of others." - Paolo Rivera (comic book artist)

Bo Lundberg

Creativity is like a soap bubble. Once you try grasping it, it bursts. -  Bo Lundberg (illustrator)

Corvx Studio

"Creativity is about communicating ideas and telling stories. Regardless of the medium. Print. Film. Food. Every creative choice has to be in service of the story you are telling." - Tomm Coker & Daniel Freedman (Founders of Corvx Studio )

Scott Withers

"Creativity happens when we allow ourselves to explore. When we explore, we test new and different ways to solve problems or to express ourselves. That's when magic truly happens " - Scott Withers (graphic designer/interior architect) And a Star Trek quote! "Without creativity the body dies; there is no life." --James Kirk,  "The Return of the Archons" air date Feb 9, 1967 Star Trek, TOS

Jaime Derringer

"Creativity is what happens when we stop seeking inspiration." (A quote inspired by Chuck Close, who said:  " Inspiration is for amateurs; the  rest of us  just show up and  get to work .") -  Jaime Derringer (founder/executive editor of Design Milk )

Simone Massoni

"Creativity to me is the urge to unconventionally look at what is ordinary." -  Simone Massoni (Visual Artist)

Elisabeth Ouni

"When I look at my own personal experience, creativity starts with an idea, which you try to execute at the point where it has been slumbering in your mind for too long.  While executing that idea, working with limited means & material can be challenging or frustrating but it stimulates you to think how you can make it work anyhow. " - Elisabeth Ouni (photographer/blogger/art director/creator of A Polaroid Story )

Nathan Schroeder

" Creativity is doing the same thing over and over and getting a different result "  - Nathan Schroeder (concept artist)

Jordan Matter

"The mind of a creative person is like water pouring from a broken faucet - it never stops." - Jordan Matter (photographer) 

Roque Deleon

"Creativity is having a thousand thoughts inside your head and not being afraid to try them all.  It is limitless, fearless and often presents itself when you least expect it." - Roque Deleon (Artist)

Thomas Mills

" Creativity sets us apart from ourselves " - Thomas Mills ( designer/founder of If So Do So Design Company  )

Mitchy Bwoy

"Creativity is a response to frustration.  It comes from a desire to improve and explore our environment,  either for personal or altruistic reasons.  Perhaps this curiosity is what defines human nature." - Mitchy Bwoy (Artist/Creative Director)

Justin Block

"Creativity is the practice of unconventional thought to  realize the unknown possibilities that surround you each day." - Justin Block (graphic designer/photographer)

Michael Jantzen

"For me, the creative process starts with looking at the world around me and reinterpreting it differently.  I usually mentally deconstruct it, and then try to reconstruct the world in a totally unexpected way. In order to complete this process, I have to present the reconstruction of my new world to others in a physical form.  The form can vary depending on the mental reconstruction, but it usually is presented as a building, a sculpture, a piece of furniture, and/or as a photograph." -  Michael Jantzen (architect/designer)

Ellen Jantzen

" Creativity is the stuff of life; but all too often it is left in the dust after childhood.  Those who remain in touch with their child-like wonderment in the world are best able to stay creative. Fearlessness is one ingredient of the complex mix." -   Ellen Jantzen (Photo Artist)

Teoh Yi Chie

" Creativity is about seeing things with new eyes.  It's also about having the habit of breaking habits.  Instead of taking a left turn, you take a right, and who knows what surprises you can find." -  Teoh Yi Chie ( graphic journalist/ creator of Parka Blogs )

Keelan Phillips

" Creativity is a huge deal for me, its the main reason for me riding a bike! To me creativity means to do something that's never been done before. Even if I thought something wasn't even possible on a bike - the chance to create something gives the motivation to stick with it, then nothing else matters until its done." -  Keelan Phillips (Professional freestyle BMX rider)

Diego Guevara

"Creativity is present in everything we see, live and dream.  It is that inexplicable warm feeling that drives us to enjoy every idea, word, trace or click. Creativity is unique, emotional, physical and priceless! " -  Diego Guevara ( designer/creative & art director/founder of Thee Blog & The Daily Glyph )

James Maher

" Creativity forms around connections ; creating connections and relationships between two points that haven't been created before. It's hard to force that.  You have to keep your eyes open to those inspirations on a daily basis, because you never know what small thing will stimulate those big ideas." - James Maher (photographer)

Sean McCabe

"I find that constraints are the breeding grounds for creativity. There must be a box in order for there to be thinking outside the box. If you don't have constraints, create them. Challenge yourself to be creative within the given boundaries. This might mean limiting yourself to one color, a certain size, or maybe a specific palette. Just tighten the restraining factors until you feel pushed to approach your project in a new and innovative way." -  Sean McCabe (Type Designer/illustrator/Interface Crafter/Co-founder of Bold Perspective )

Kate Jones

" When work becomes fun, then you've found your Creative sweet spot." - Kate Jones (designer/digital creative)

Fredrik Rättzén

" I try to approach what I do with a childlike curiosity,  as if it were a brand new experience each time (which it is).  Just jumping right into things, not worrying about mistakes.  So for me, I guess it comes down to the following :  Creativity is about accessing that inner child that lives within each of us." -  Fredrik Rättzén (Artist/illustrator)

Niyi Okeowo

"Creativity is being able to visualize to the second man, that which is only seen by you." -  Niyi Okeowo (Artist)