
Showing posts from January, 2014

David Uzochukwu

"I think that creativity is the power to create something new, to be able to step over the boundaries of what is already existent. You have to be able to look at things from a different perspective, redefine reality and act on what your gut tells you." - David Uzochukwu (Photographer)

Kieron Lewis

Being creative is something that has been with me from a very young age.  Growing up, I was a typical London kid- playing football, video games and eating a ridiculous amounts of sweets.  But one thing I did, and I guess its only now I can look back and appreciate it, is that I was always curious by the "creative process" of how things were created. So if I went to the shops to buy sweets, I would stare at the packaging for ages. All the various colours and clever typography on the various packages I found amazing! You can only imagine how many concepts were developed, just to simply get 'one' final outcome.  As pointless as this may have seen back then, I can now reflect back on my childhood experiences, and realise my curiosity with the creative process behind how packaging works within advertisement, has had a direct impact on where I'm at today with my career.  Even to this day I will spend a good 10 minutes in a  sweet shop before picking anything up - ...

Albert Cheng-Syun Tang

"Creativity is a way of seeing. Creativity is a catalyst to inspire people's imaginations. Creativity is a vision for expanding humans' experiences. Creativity is the ultimate power to enrich every aspect of humans' everyday lives, for good." -  Albert Cheng-Syun Tang (design practitioner/photographer)

Timo Brunkhorst

"Creativity is like a free fall through the clouds, sometimes  you end up on a dragon and sometimes on a mosquito." -  Timo Brunkhorst (Interactive Designer)

Matthew Korbel-Bowers

"Creativity is the gun and your work is the bullet.  The thing is some people are walking around with bazookas. But, if you want a bazooka too you can build it." -  Matthew Korbel-Bowers  (Art Director)