Kieron Lewis

Being creative is something that has been with me from a very young age. Growing up, I was a typical London kid- playing football, video games and eating a ridiculous amounts of sweets. But one thing I did, and I guess its only now I can look back and appreciate it, is that I was always curious by the "creative process" of how things were created. So if I went to the shops to buy sweets, I would stare at the packaging for ages. All the various colours and clever typography on the various packages I found amazing! You can only imagine how many concepts were developed, just to simply get 'one' final outcome. As pointless as this may have seen back then, I can now reflect back on my childhood experiences, and realise my curiosity with the creative process behind how packaging works within advertisement, has had a direct impact on where I'm at today with my career. Even to this day I will spend a good 10 minutes in a sweet shop before picking anything up - Yes, I have been called odd in the past!!
- Kieron Lewis (graphic designer/visual artist)