
Showing posts from May, 2014

Tyler Spangler

Creativity is taking your unique experiences and translating them into your passion.  - Tyler Spangler (Graphic Designer)

Jane Radstrom

I am naturally a very scientific person. I do not see this as an opposite of creativity. My work starts with parameters, from there exploration happens. By setting clear goals at the start of each piece I have a way to determine when it's finished - otherwise I am likely to wander off and start several new ideas right on top of the original one. If a new idea occurs to me while I'm working on a piece, I try to set it aside and make it part of my goals for the next work.  So, much of the creative process happens while I am reflecting in between working on paintings.  - Jane Radstrom (Painter/Designer)

Arnold Butler

“My idea of art isn't normal. I feel the artist should appear  in his work no more than God appears in nature.  Man means nothing-his work means everything." - Arnold Butler (Artist)

KaCey KalifraGIListic

"#ARTGAMEstressful". It's a little phrase that I came up with out of my frustration for the current state of the type art that has become popular in the age of Twitter and Tumblr.  No one is even trying to be different artistically anymore because it's so easy not to.  Not only that, but the fact that a lot great works of art get looked over in the process.  I respect everyone who actually try and understand the struggle.  -  KaCey KalifraGIListic (graphic and digital artist and illustrator)